Couple and Relationship Counselling

Couple and Relationship Counselling

Introduction to Couple and Relationship Counselling

Couple counselling is when both partners come together in an agreed attempt to improve their relationship. The main issues tend to be communication, intimacy, affairs, finances, control and intimacy.

When to get counselling

It can often take some time to decide to take the plunge and organise counselling. You may have mentioned having Couple Counselling during a time of unresolved arguments but put it on the back burner when tension eases. Also, one partner may want to have counselling and the other doesn’t. It may also be that the relationship finally breaks down and one partner talks about leaving. This can shock the other into doing something about it quickly.

What will happen during Counselling?

Whatever the reason for coming, I offer a calm, comfortable and confidential environment where I will work impartially. I will manage communication so that arguments are reduced in the session so both of you can speak and be listened to . I will also provide the opportunity to find out why your relationship is struggling and what can be done to change this.

We will explore what your issues are and how you both contribute to any conflict, lack of intimacy or communication breakdown. We can then work at learning new communication skills and make any changes of behaviour required.

Couple counselling is a powerful means of getting to the heart of your problems in a situation where you can both hear what the other is thinking and feeling.  This is not always possible at home without it turning into an argument.

Let’s make it work

If the decision is to try and make the relationship work, then counselling can transform your relationship.  if both partners are prepared to be fully involved, change can happen quickly. I also offer individual sessions within the couple counselling if this is helpful. Couple Counselling requires self- control and self-discipline and putting respect back into the relationship. Being in a safe place allows each person to listen and respond to the other, and correct any misinterpretations.